Language of the original article: UkrainianУПРАВЛІННЯ ГОТЕЛЬНИМИ МЕРЕЖАМИ В УМОВАХ ВОЄННОГО СТАНУ В УКРАЇНІABSTRACT. Due to the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war and martial law in Ukraine, it is advisable to expand the scope of study of problematic issues related to the management of hotel chains under martial law in Ukraine by examining the current state of the industry and the experience of hospitality industry enterprises gained during this time, which has led to the relevance of the chosen topic for this scientific article. The article is aimed at analyzing the mechanism of functioning of international and national hotel chains in Ukraine and the peculiarities of management of hotel chains under martial law. The object of research is the management system of hotel chains under martial law in Ukraine. The subject of the study is a set of theoretical and methodological foundations for determining the essence and features of the hotel chain management system under martial law in Ukraine. The scientific novelty of the study is to summarize the arguments regarding the organisation and functioning of hotel chains in the current business environment and to systematize the scientific theoretical, methodological and applied foundations for determining and taking into account the peculiarities of hotel chain management during martial law in Ukraine. In order to reveal the subject of scientific research, the article uses such methods as observation and comparison (characteristic features and forms of functioning of hotel chains in the hospitality industry are determined), analysis and synthesis (the essential indicators of success in Ukraine and the world of certain hotel chains, management methods in crisis conditions are clarified), methods of statistics (recording the dynamics of development of hotel chains), methods of visualisation (graphical and tabular forms), classification (in terms of types, forms and factors of influence on the functioning of hotel chains), visualisation methods (graphical and tabular forms). The article summarises the arguments regarding the importance of state regulation in the hotel business and international and national requirements for the provision of hotel services under conditions of risk. The scientific theoretical, methodological, analytical and applied principles of the hotel business in the system of the legal field for compliance with the standards of functioning of international and national hotel chains under martial law are systematised. The results of the study can be useful for employees of the tourism and hospitality industry; researchers, teachers, students of higher education institutions, who study, in particular, the specialities "Tourism" and "Hotel and restaurant business".Keywords: martial law, hotel industry, hotel chains, hotel services, hospitality industry, hotel management, hospitality market, Ukraine.References
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