Language of the original article:
UkrainianАНАЛІЗ ТА ОЦІНЮВАННЯ ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЇ ВЛАСТИВОСТЕЙ ІНТЕЛЕКТУАЛЬНОГО КАПІТАЛУ УКРАЇНИABSTRACT. The research is dedicated to the analysis and evaluation of the transformation of intellectual capital (IC) properties in the pre-war period of the country. The study enhances and categorizes contemporary indicators for assessing intellectual capital properties, classifies indicators based on their qualitative impact on the level of intellectual capital, normalizes indicators for constructing radar charts, and determines the level of intellectual capital in Ukraine. The research identifies the impact level of the dynamics of intellectual capital properties on the country's GDP changes. Methodology: To achieve the set goal, the study employs the dialectical method, analysis, and synthesis (investigation of human, organizational, and structural (client) capitals and changes in their properties), graphical method (for illustrating research results); system-structural and expert analysis (to determine the impacts of changes in intellectual capital properties on GDP). Scientific novelty lies in determining the influence of transformations in intellectual capital properties on GDP changes to define a strategy for optimizing the country's intellectual capital structure. Practical significance involves recommending indicators for assessing IC properties for further development of incentive measures using digital technologies and artificial intelligence to enhance the structure of intellectual capital, providing grounds for developing a strategy for IC optimization in the country. Keywords: intellectual capital, digitization, structural capital, consumer capital, human capital, assessment, transformations, properties. References
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