Language of the original article: EnglishABSTRACT. The article examines and analyzes the peculiarities of the application of immersive technologies in business to increase the effectiveness of marketing communication with the consumer and achieve a higher level of competitiveness and establish relations with potential partners. Businesses can benefit more by introducing new technologies into their operations. However, such technologies require investment. For Ukrainian enterprises, this can become a problem due to the lack of stable profits. The role of immersive technologies in the form of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) is determined, which will be a significant incentive for Ukrainian companies in the context of post-war revival, as they can be used to form a new market for the company. The factors that inhibit the use of immersive technologies in marketing are analyzed: high cost, limited access for the audience, the need for training and education, physiological limitations, technical problems, limited parameters for some products, competition with other visual media. Emphasis is placed on the fact that in marketing and sales, efforts should be focused on the use of the following tools: augmented reality in advertising, virtual product fitting, AR assistant in the store, virtual rooms in the store, AR product presentations, VR virtual events and demonstrations. Immersive technologies can help establish communication between the brand and the consumer, as well as establish a partnership.
Keywords: business, marketing, immersive technologies, consumers, loyalty, innovation, virtual reality, augmented reality
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